Home / Area Code / 507 / 507-280 / 507-280-30 / 507-280-3059

507-280-3059 Report: Kigh Risk

Here are the caller ID information for 507-280-3059 and comments from other users. If you have any useful information please leave your feedback. You can also mark (507) 280-3059 as safe, unsafe, harassing, hang up, etc. We look forward to any feedback from you to help others.

Area Code: 507
Prefix: 280
Owner name: Paul Bertrand   View information
County Steele
City: Owatonna
State/Province: Minnesota - MN
Use Type: Wireless Numbers
Carrier: New Cingular Wireless Pcs, Llc - Il
International format: +15072803059 / 0015072803059
Time Zone: Central 03:11:10

User Report stats for 5072803059

  • 0 user

    Secure calls

    The caller is a trusted individual or some institution and is a secure caller.

  • 3 user

    Fraud calls

    Callers are phone scammers who can make you lose money and reveal valuable personal information.

  • 0 user

    Harassing calls

    These callers are deliberately harassing intentional pranks or perverts that can seriously affect your life.

  • 28 user

    Sales calls

    The phone, usually from debt collection, may contain intimidating tone. But it is not excluded that it is an unsafe call.

  • 0 user

    Debt calls

    Usually it is to sell you insurance, car, real estate and other callers. But please be vigilant.

  • 3 user

    Unknown calls

    These calls are calls you haven't heard. You can't be sure who the caller is.

  • 0 user

    Hang up calls

    The phone automatically hangs after a brief ringing. Sometimes it is repeated. Do not rule out harassment or other.

  • 0 user

    Other calls

    This category is the other phone types we have not summarized above.

Comments for 5072803059

    No Feedback for this number just yet. You can help others by sharing your experience. Who called you? Did you answer the phone? Did they speak? Where were they from?

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Please describe the call category.

Recent user feedback

+1 (582) 257-6467
  • Penny Wise
    16:34 2024-05-28
    Category: Fraud Calls
    "Name Unavailable" left no message. Picked up by mistake; "Mark" asked for me by name(!), so hung up. Tried to call back on a "safe" phone; got a "We don't recognize this #" message. Several sites said # is either invalid or coming from outside the US!
+1 (724) 343-8084
  • E.L. Arch
    00:02 2024-05-25
    Category: Sales Calls
    Caller ID just said "BLAIRSVILLE PA" (yes, with space in the middle). No message was left even though the machine picked up. Tried calling back on a "safe" phone and got a recording saying to call back on the # THEY called.... Clearly some sort of spam.
+1 (445) 273-9937
  • Bianca Lyttle
    15:48 2024-05-24
    Category: Hang up Calls
    No message left by "Name Unavailable" although call went to voicemail. Gotten other spam calls from this area code/exchange. And another one where I called back on a different phone please call back from the one WE called" (AS IF!)
+1 (717) 573-7249
  • Desdemona Renfield
    00:09 2024-05-24
    Category: Sales Calls
    And ANOTHER call from this area code/exchange which came up as "NEEDMORE PA" (the space in the middle pushing the text to the edges of the screen). This one got flagged on another site as being a solar power scam.
+1 (213) 837-9256
  • Marcy Payne
    17:27 2024-05-23
    Category: Other Calls
    Chose "Other" because I've already seen this # flagged on other sites -- one report was that it's a healthcare spam call, and another (on a different site) that it's a tax debt relief spam call.... Take your pick (but it's STILL SPAM regardless).
+1 (717) 931-5824
  • Marcy Payne
    17:25 2024-05-23
    Category: Fraud Calls
    Guessing that's the right category, given that the caller ID came up as "DOVER PA" (pushing the text to the edges of the screen, a red flag that it's spam.
+1 (610) 477-4694
  • Bianca Lyttle
    18:09 2024-05-19
    Category: Other Calls
    Caller ID said "AHPA-PA". Husband told the caller to remove our #. Almost NO info about caller ID and NONE in connection with #, but he thinks it's political spam from a right wing PAC funded by the Koch Brothers....
+1 (724) 364-1496
  • Marcy Payne
    19:44 2024-05-15
    Category: Hang up Calls
    No message left even though call went to voicemail (suggesting a robocall system). Caller ID said "BROWNSVILLE PA" (with space in the middle like that). Another report site had it flagged as a car warranty spam call.
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