Home / Area Code / 762 / 762-529
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Phone Number Ranges with Prefix 762-529

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+1 (484) 517-8709
  • Bianca Lyttle
    21:31 2024-04-30
    Category: Sales Calls
    Another call from this same area code and caller ID as yesterday. No message this time either. Clearly spam and possibly harassment.
+1 (717) 998-9309
  • Penny Wise
    21:29 2024-04-30
    Category: Hang up Calls
    Another call from "HARRISBURG PA" (or should I say "HARRASSMENT-BURG"?); another call which went to voicemail but where no message was left; and clearly another scam of some sort.
+1 (412) 556-0189
  • Marcy Payne
    21:20 2024-04-30
    Category: Hang up Calls
    This call came in about 2 hours after one from 412-556-0189; caller ID "SR HEALTH PLUS" was similar to the first call, which was "SR INSURANCE" so guessing the same spammer and type of call.
+1 (412) 806-3670
  • Marcy Payne
    21:12 2024-04-30
    Category: Hang up Calls
    No message left even though call went to voicemail. Didn't recognize the number or the caller ID, which came up as "SR INSURANCE". This does NOT appear to be this company's number because they're in Georgia, NOT Pennsylvania. Clearly some sort of scam.
+1 (551) 900-6545
  • Bianca Lyttle
    01:04 2024-04-30
    Category: Sales Calls
    Caller ID just said "DUMONT NJ" (yeah, with a bunch of space in the middle like that -- that's often a red flag that it's NOT a legit call). Didn't recognize #, I'm fixing that (you're welcome).
+1 (814) 961-6473
  • Marcy Payne
    18:08 2024-04-29
    Category: Fraud Calls
    Calling it fraud because that's what reports on another site said when I Google the #. Caller ID just said "JOHNSTOWN PA" (the gap, pushing the info to the edges of the screen, is often a red flag of spam calls).
+1 (484) 517-8709
  • Bianca Lyttle
    13:50 2024-04-29
    Category: Sales Calls
    Didn't recognize # (neither did Google). Caller ID said "COATESVILLE PA" (gap in the middle is generally a red flag). Tried calling # on my cell; got a message saying "Please call back from the number we called" (!) Uh, no -- not happening!
+1 (445) 276-9096
  • Jane Doe
    12:39 2024-04-29
    Category: Sales Calls
    And another™ call from "Name Unavailable". Didn't recognize the # any more than any of the OTHER spam calls I get. NO hits for the # on Google at ALL (I'm hopefully fixing that -- you're welcome...).
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